But, Mother Nature had other plans and it rained at Mogollon Rim. So, the trip was postponed. Since we all had our camping food and the kids were so excited to roast marshmellows and make smores, we headed over the the Lamis' (Chet's parents) for our own dinner and fire. I bet we were the only ones sitting by the fire in 100 degree weather! We only lasted 1/2 hr or so but the kids loved it!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Rained out camping trip
Chet and the girls (and his family) were supposed to go camping this last weekend. I was excited for them since they needed to get out of the house and have fun- they love camping! It was also going to give me a weekend alone! I didn't have anything planned but sit on the couch and sleep.
But, Mother Nature had other plans and it rained at Mogollon Rim. So, the trip was postponed. Since we all had our camping food and the kids were so excited to roast marshmellows and make smores, we headed over the the Lamis' (Chet's parents) for our own dinner and fire. I bet we were the only ones sitting by the fire in 100 degree weather! We only lasted 1/2 hr or so but the kids loved it!

But, Mother Nature had other plans and it rained at Mogollon Rim. So, the trip was postponed. Since we all had our camping food and the kids were so excited to roast marshmellows and make smores, we headed over the the Lamis' (Chet's parents) for our own dinner and fire. I bet we were the only ones sitting by the fire in 100 degree weather! We only lasted 1/2 hr or so but the kids loved it!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Party of 5 (for now)
We had the ultrasound this morning and he/she was clearly a singleton. I was a bit relieved but also a little letdown. Funny huh? I spent so much time thinking about the trials and joys of twins and probably was ready for it.
But, the good news is that we saw the heartbeat and the baby is measuring right on target! At 7 weeks, its always nice to have that reassurance so early.
Now, if only I could get through the next 5 weeks- I have already lost 5 lbs. This stinks! :)
But, the good news is that we saw the heartbeat and the baby is measuring right on target! At 7 weeks, its always nice to have that reassurance so early.
Now, if only I could get through the next 5 weeks- I have already lost 5 lbs. This stinks! :)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Party of 6??
I had my first OB appointment today and due to a few factors, I am scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow morning to determine if it's twins! YIKES!! He/she/they were conceived without help and there is little family history of twins so I am thrown off to say the least. I have had inklings that something was up from the time of my positive pregnancy test yet I thought I was just bonkers. My intuition is hardly right! :)
Personally, I would choose to just have just one (even though it doesn't matter what we think at this point). I love everything about the baby stage and this is our last and I was ready to enjoy it to the fullest. With Julia (our first), I experienced some postpartum issues. It turned out to be a year of learning who I was as a mom. When Bella came along, I knew how I wanted to parent and truly enjoyed her. Yet, I was also raising a 2 1/2 yr old so it was a busy year. This time, I know exactly what I am doing and my kids are old enough that I will be able to enjoy our last little bundle of joy to the fullest. I am excited to have a baby again! I am excited to nurse again, wear the baby in the sling, sleep with the baby, etc. With twins, it seems like things like feeding and sleeping become true WORK!
That being said, I would love to have twin toddlers running around and for this baby to have a playmate like Julia and Bella have become. It would make our family quite complete and we would be done! After writing this out, I realized that if I can survive the first year, then twins would be a true blessing and a lot of fun in our house. Thanks for listening to my online journal entry! It helps putting thoughts into words- even if its online for the world to see. I hesitated to even post this (seems so personal) but I use my blog as my own journal these days.
By the way, I hope I didn't offend any mothers of twins. I truly applaud any mother of multiples.
Personally, I would choose to just have just one (even though it doesn't matter what we think at this point). I love everything about the baby stage and this is our last and I was ready to enjoy it to the fullest. With Julia (our first), I experienced some postpartum issues. It turned out to be a year of learning who I was as a mom. When Bella came along, I knew how I wanted to parent and truly enjoyed her. Yet, I was also raising a 2 1/2 yr old so it was a busy year. This time, I know exactly what I am doing and my kids are old enough that I will be able to enjoy our last little bundle of joy to the fullest. I am excited to have a baby again! I am excited to nurse again, wear the baby in the sling, sleep with the baby, etc. With twins, it seems like things like feeding and sleeping become true WORK!
That being said, I would love to have twin toddlers running around and for this baby to have a playmate like Julia and Bella have become. It would make our family quite complete and we would be done! After writing this out, I realized that if I can survive the first year, then twins would be a true blessing and a lot of fun in our house. Thanks for listening to my online journal entry! It helps putting thoughts into words- even if its online for the world to see. I hesitated to even post this (seems so personal) but I use my blog as my own journal these days.
By the way, I hope I didn't offend any mothers of twins. I truly applaud any mother of multiples.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bliss in San Diego
Wow! We just got back from such a fun and busy week! My parents just celebrated their 25th anniversary and took us all to San Diego instead of throwing some big party. Of course, we loved the idea and were all on board. Thanks again and here's to 25 more!
My parents live in Prescott and my sister Suzanne and her family (hubbie and 3 kids) live in Idaho- so we don't get the chance to all get together that often and have never gone on a family trip with all 3 families. We've done little trips on the side but someone is always missing. This time, we were all together in the same house for 7 days. It was the best time! We rented a 3 BR house in La Jolla, only a few houses from the beach.
*Chet and Pat (my brother in law) at the beach house. Somehow they always got into trouble! i.e. "accidentally" ditching us with the 5 kids and "innocently" being kid free at the naval museum!

We spent a few days as beach bums.
*Braden and Bella

*My mom is the best! She is great at playing with kids at their level and never seems to tire out.

*Aw, don't we look cute! And tired......

We went to Sea World for one day. Everyone loved it!

AND the happiest place on Earth! We even ordered matching shirts for the cousins. My sis and I are a sap for things like that. Will (who is 5 months old) even had a shirt but rarely came out of his favorite spot- the Baby Bjorn.
*Will (5 months), Elise (2), Bella (3), Julia (6) and Braden (4)

*Riding the Autopia at Disney. Forgive the forced smile (lots of morning sickness mixed with a self portrait while moving)

*Will is seriously the happiest baby ever! Even Chet mentioned that. He smiles at the drop of a hat and never cries. I am a huge proponent of carrying babies as much as possible and loved my slings! Will is carried A LOT- partially due to being a 3rd child with 2 young siblings. He is probably so content. Isn't he cute!

One thing that has surprised us is how Julia and Braden have turned out to be the best of friends. They are 2 yrs apart (which is a big difference when you are 4 and 6) and different sexes but they still are such good pals and rarely fight. They have always been like this. Braden and Bella are only a few months apart but he and Julia seem to connect so much more.

This week was magical for me. I always love seeing my kids play with their grandparents and cousins. We are lucky to have both sets of grandparents and 4 cousins on Chet's side of the family- all in the Phoenix area. Suzanne and I grew up without extended family around us. We have 7 aunts and uncles and lots of cousins (20+) but they are in Brazil and we only got to see them every 2 years. I would have given anything to live near our extended family. We always wanted lots of cousins for our own kids- even though its just my sister and I (on our side). So what else could we do? We are adding one more grandchild. Chet and I are expecting our 3rd! Chet has always wanted 3 kids and I was set on only having 2 kids and even bought a cute, new Honda Civic last year (I thought that clinched the deal!). Somehow, Chet finally convinced me to try for a 3rd and our new little one will be here in March. Our girls will be 4 and almost 7 when he/she is born so its the perfect age span for me. I have loved the time with my "big girls" and will be ready and willing to start all over come March.
My parents live in Prescott and my sister Suzanne and her family (hubbie and 3 kids) live in Idaho- so we don't get the chance to all get together that often and have never gone on a family trip with all 3 families. We've done little trips on the side but someone is always missing. This time, we were all together in the same house for 7 days. It was the best time! We rented a 3 BR house in La Jolla, only a few houses from the beach.
*Chet and Pat (my brother in law) at the beach house. Somehow they always got into trouble! i.e. "accidentally" ditching us with the 5 kids and "innocently" being kid free at the naval museum!
We spent a few days as beach bums.
*Braden and Bella

*My mom is the best! She is great at playing with kids at their level and never seems to tire out.

*Aw, don't we look cute! And tired......

We went to Sea World for one day. Everyone loved it!

AND the happiest place on Earth! We even ordered matching shirts for the cousins. My sis and I are a sap for things like that. Will (who is 5 months old) even had a shirt but rarely came out of his favorite spot- the Baby Bjorn.
*Will (5 months), Elise (2), Bella (3), Julia (6) and Braden (4)

*Riding the Autopia at Disney. Forgive the forced smile (lots of morning sickness mixed with a self portrait while moving)

*Will is seriously the happiest baby ever! Even Chet mentioned that. He smiles at the drop of a hat and never cries. I am a huge proponent of carrying babies as much as possible and loved my slings! Will is carried A LOT- partially due to being a 3rd child with 2 young siblings. He is probably so content. Isn't he cute!

One thing that has surprised us is how Julia and Braden have turned out to be the best of friends. They are 2 yrs apart (which is a big difference when you are 4 and 6) and different sexes but they still are such good pals and rarely fight. They have always been like this. Braden and Bella are only a few months apart but he and Julia seem to connect so much more.

This week was magical for me. I always love seeing my kids play with their grandparents and cousins. We are lucky to have both sets of grandparents and 4 cousins on Chet's side of the family- all in the Phoenix area. Suzanne and I grew up without extended family around us. We have 7 aunts and uncles and lots of cousins (20+) but they are in Brazil and we only got to see them every 2 years. I would have given anything to live near our extended family. We always wanted lots of cousins for our own kids- even though its just my sister and I (on our side). So what else could we do? We are adding one more grandchild. Chet and I are expecting our 3rd! Chet has always wanted 3 kids and I was set on only having 2 kids and even bought a cute, new Honda Civic last year (I thought that clinched the deal!). Somehow, Chet finally convinced me to try for a 3rd and our new little one will be here in March. Our girls will be 4 and almost 7 when he/she is born so its the perfect age span for me. I have loved the time with my "big girls" and will be ready and willing to start all over come March.
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