Today, Bella and I tried the new Phoenix Children's Museum and took the Light Rail to get there. It was SO much fun! Granted, it took over an hour just to get there and another 20 minutes to walk from the light rail to the museum but it was worth it. I did not bring a stroller for Bella so the walk to and from was exhausting for both. I carried her part of the way- I am sure that made for quite a sight!
For my AZ friends, the museum is awesome and much more fun than the Mesa museum/Artville. Can't wait to go back! (Suzanne- your kids will love this!). Everything in the museum is hands on and nothing has instructions or rules.
*Painting the house. There are layers and layers of paint- the kids get to just paint over it. This was fun even for me!
*At the play store. SO lifelike and fun!
*Playing customer and cashier.
*Making pizza in the wood burning stove.
*At the bike wash which was Bella's favorite room. Here she is with a passenger she picked up along the way.
Too pooped to stay awake on the ride home.