We recently spent a week in Colorado Springs and had the best time! We would love to move there someday and this trip sealed that dream of ours. It was just the 5 of us- and it was great! There weren't any concrete plans or places to be- just freedom to roam around.
Colorado Springs is one of the most versatile and fun cities we have ever visited. It has SO much to do- but nothing too touristy. Within city limits, there are some neat places to hike (Garden of the Gods), awesome scenic drives (up to Pike's Peak), and occasional waterfalls.
We also got to see my sister and her family (who we haven't seen since Christmas). They were in Denver for a family wedding. It was so good to see them (and the rest of the extended Buchanan bunch) and let all the cousins run around! Our last day in Denver couldn't have been planned- it just turned out so well. We walked along 16th street (a neat street in downtown Denver, followed by a stop at the park and a tour of the Coors Brewing Company. I know- probably not your typical family destination but it was actually fun for all!
We also got to visit with some friends of ours- who used to live in AZ but now reside in Colorado Springs. Bella and Bennett (their son) are good buddies- Jennifer (his mom) and I hope that we can be mother-in-laws someday! :) For some reason, I didn't take any pictures of Bennett and his sister Jillian.
*Our trips to Garden of the Gods. This was one our favorite places to visit!
No fear!

We weren't expecting to stop at the Garden of Gods this day- hence the pretty "hiking" dresses.

I love this picture! Will is probably thinking "Who is the big guy and his even bigger baby?" :)

They all get along SO well! I hope Camille can fit right in next year.

"If only they made them this size!"

We found this waterfall on the last night- it had been raining and we weren't dressed to explore the area. It was beautiful though!

We'll be back....