~Life is good~
We are enjoying the little things, enjoying the girls at each of their stages, and enjoying our new life in Maricopa. Sounds so cliche, but there is a lot to be thankful for! Aside from the obvious (a job in this economy, a roof over our heads, our health, etc), it's easy to see the good in the small stuff too.
A baby who likes her crib!
During nap times and is *starting* to sleep there at night too! :)
I woke up at 7am and Camille was still in her crib! A first for her! Yea!
A daughter who LOVES school and does well.
She made the Principal's list and also got Student of the Month. I also love that her new school has quarterly assemblies to recognize all the students' achievements.
As student of the month, she got to add her hand print to the wall.
We are SO proud of you Julia!
A simple but beautiful backyard.
When we moved, we left behind a pool, a garden and a neat courtyard for the girls to play in. As much as we loved all that it was a LOT of work! It is nice to simplify and have a small, mostly self sufficient backyard. But, a warning to our family members with pools: you will be seeing even more of us in the summer! :)
Last but not least, a wonderful mother who stays for a week, helps out tremendously and loves to play with the kids. Aside from the obvious benefits of a grandmother's love, it also gives me precious time for cleaning the house and a little blogging (combined with above mentioned sleeping baby).