Every afternoon, after walking home from Julia's school, the girls love to ride their bikes in our cul-de-sac. I am LOVING the benefits and freedom that comes with a cul-de-sac location! I still sit outside and watch with a careful momma bear eye but they are allowed to roam free, going up and down the street to their heart's content.
Today, out of boredom and curiosity, I took off Bella's training wheels. Having never really trained a child how to ride a 2 wheeler (Chet taught Julia), I wasn't sure what to do. I held the back of her seat for a few seconds but that just felt awkward. So being the great parent that I am (ha!), I let go, gave her a little push and closed my eyes. I was sure that she would fall and that I would have to give her the old "get back on and try again speech". Nope- she was quickly riding away! Even from the back, I could tell that she was beaming- and so was I! After a few minutes, she was trying curbs and racing Julia down the street. We can't wait for Daddy to come home to surprise him.
Bella with her "rocker" helmet that she refuses to give up. I have offered to replace it with a more girlie one but she loves it!