Our resort stay was also a way to celebrate Julia's birthday with her friends. The friends stayed long enough to swim for hours and stay for dinner. The party was a great way for Julia to invite her friends from her new school as well as a few friends from her old school. They had such a good time. It was a sight to see- Chet and I with 6 little girls!After they went home, Chet and I and the girls continued the fun! (Camille stayed home with my mom which was so nice- we were able to have fun with the older 2 and not worry about the baby Thanks Mom!).
6 little fish
After the party, we took a ride on the resort's water taxi- a boat that goes through the faux canals of the desert to Rawhide. It was a nice way to end the evening. After that we crashed in our room- we were so tired! We spent this morning swimming and going down the water slide as much as we could before check-out.Enjoying breakfast with a view

This pool was so fun- you couldn't keep Chet and I off the slides either!
This pool was so fun- you couldn't keep Chet and I off the slides either!
We might make Staycations an annual event!