*Warning- picture overload! I have to add so many pics for my mom and sister who weren't able to be at the wedding. My mom would have loved to attend her niece's wedding (and be with her own sister) but gifted me the trip and also stayed home with my kids so that I could go! I have an amazing, giving mom!
The wedding was beautiful and FUN- just like Taty! :-) I loved being there to celebrate with my cousin and it was the perfect way the end such a great trip.
The BIG day! Getting ready at the salon!
Me and the bride

Cousins- Taty, Adriana, Luciana and me

Eating lunch at the salon- it takes a while to make us all look so good! :-)

On to the makeup table- holy makeup stash!

Bubbly time!

2 bridesmaids in waiting.
(Bridesmaids in Brasil don't wear the same color or dress, we got to pick our own dress within guidelines- so much easier!)
Tatiana- a stunning bride!

Let the celebration begin!

With the happy couple- Taty and Thiago.

Cousins- me, Joana, and Luciana. We tease that we all have the same DNA= cheeks!

More DNA proof!

Waiting at the drink bar with Joana for my new favorite drink- Caipirosa (like a caipirinha),made with fresh fruit, sugar and vodka.

More cousins- Adriana, Natalia, Caca, Ana Lucia

And more cousins....

Uncles: Joao, Vasco and Orlando (my mom's brothers)

My Aunt Maria Emilia (my mom's sister and mother of the bride)

Luciana & Leo (who live in California but we rarely get to see each other) and "Uncle Johnny" as he likes to be called. :-)

Me and my adorable little cousin Eduarda (Luciana's daughter)

I soon ditched the heels for these cute wedding favors- Havaiana flip flops!

The next day was my last full day so I got up early and made the most of it. Shopping for gifts, more food at one of my favorite places and more family time. What else could I ask for??

Brasilia- you will always have my heart.
Tchau (bye) for now.....