Today we had our own tea party for 4- fancy cookies, real tea in little china cups, fake snobby accents and all. It was a blast! One of the fun aspects of having all girls is being able to have tea parties with no fear of complaints! :-)
We love going to the zoo but in the summer it's just not feasible, unless we go before sunrise. :) This summer the Phoenix Zoo put on a 'Prowl and Play' night so you could enjoy the zoo without melting. It was still very hot (100) at 7pm but seemed better without the glaring sun.
We saw our favorite orangutans as they were getting ready to sleep.
The girls got to play drums- that was so fun!
Played at the fun splash caves Bella was so happy! Julia and Bella were also very lucky- Bella won the grand prize at the Disney Radio dance contest (a DVD) and Julia was chosen to be the co-conductor for the tram ride. We had such a good time! Extra bonus- all 3 were worn out by the time we got home!
'Not news' news flash- summers in Arizona are brutal! :) I don't usually complain about them because it's not a surprise that the hot summer temps are coming and we know they are part of the package when we live in Arizona. BUT, it is difficult when you have kids and are trying to keep them busy without parking them in front of the tv.
Lucky for us, my parents live in Prescott Valley and in less than 2 hrs we are in cooler temps. This weekend was a HOT 118 in Phoenix (and Prescott was cooler but still hot 100)! We still managed to pack in the fun though.
Instead of the local 4th of July parade, the girls wanted to tour the Sharlot Hall house- a historic house and museum in Prescott. For some reason, they LOVE touring old homes. The museum director was shocked that girls chose the tour over the parade.
Bella playing teacher in the schoolhouse.
Bella doesn't leave Ronnie's (their nickname for him) side! Luckily, my mom has toured this museum and kept Camille entertained! Camille's new pose for pictures.
Picking gooseberries. Enjoying her ice cream! We also went hiking. We saw crawdads, lots of beautiful dragonflies and even a snake (live one)!
Julia and Bella stayed in Prescott for a few extra days for more fun with the grandparents. (Camille is still a little young to be left there without mommy.) Bobo and Ronnie- thanks for a fun weekend!!
*This blog post is a little late (since Father's Day was last month)- I guess I am still trying to erase the memory of part of the weekend (see below). :)
For Father's Day, we escaped to Pine, AZ for a weekend with the entire Lamis crew.
First stop, Wagonwheel Falls. What a beautiful spot! Of course, the kids loved anything with exploring and water. It's amazing that you can find a spot like this less than 2 hrs from our desert valley. The rest of the weekend was spent at the cabin. The cabin was big enough for the entire crew (16 people) and had so much for the kids to do.
The original 'Wonder Twins'- Brennan and Bella- on the tree swing.
Squeals of joy (and a little fear)!Even Chet had to try it out! Watch out- the new 'Wonder Twins'- Camille and Isaac.
They climbed really high- I'm glad I wasn't around to freak out!
Bella always seem to have fun with sticks!
Madison and PapaCamille on the piano- before she got sick! This is where our trip took a yucky turn. 5 minutes after I arrived, she threw up all over herself and me and proceeded to do so for the rest of the night. Poor Camille! This is what we both looked like for the rest of the trip- including many outfit changes! No one else got sick and we managed to enjoy the rest of the weekend. Celebrating Julia's birthday! The queens of the foosball table- Julia and Madison. Julia and Keeley. Julia has such a special relationship with little Keeley- the 'baby' of the cousins.Happy Father's Day Chet! A big thanks to Chet's parents for hosting this fun weekend!
Taking Chet to a pet store is like taking a kid to a candy store. I hear myself saying "No" a lot, and there are no kids with us. :-)
I am not kidding....
He has wanted a chameleon (among other critters) for a while now and as soon as Bella jumped on his bandwagon, off he went researching and dreaming of bringing this little guy to our family.
Meet Higgins, our newest pet. AKA the love of Chet's life. Still wish I was kidding....
All kidding aside, he is a neat pet and the kids all love him. I don't mind feeding him his breakfast (live crickets) but I have yet to hold him for more than a few seconds. (I have a fear of skittish crawly things).