Monday, June 25, 2012


 I admit, I think we over scheduled ourselves (the kids) this summer. 

When I think back on my glory days of summer, I cannot remember one single class/camp/program that my mom signed me up for (except for daily 7am swim team one summer! Thanks mom). I'm sure we did summer classes but all my summer memories involve swimming, playing restaurant with my sister and neighbor, riding our Cruiser bikes to the store, and staying up late. I feel like my kids don't get that same free spirited fun these days. I know that we live in a different time and letting them ride bikes to the store alone is unthinkable. So, I filled their June days with Vacation Bible School, Glee class, soccer camp and more. Between all that and my work schedule, it hasn't left one full day of nothing to do- and that makes me sad and anxious. When we have a day of nothing to do and I limit the tv watching, its amazing what fun these 3 can create! So, after our road trip to S. Dakota next week, I have cleared their calendars (no classes in July!) and we will finally have the fun I hoped for! Finally, we can visit the resort for swimming and water slide fun and use our passes to the museum! Note to self for 2013: the summer days fly by!  

Julia & Bella using their art set that Santa brought!

Crew Lamis

The Lamis crew got together for a cabin weekend up north again this year. It's a fun way to escape the heat and just be together. Unfortunately, an illness plagued our house again this year but this time, it was me and Lucy (our bull dog) so I had to stay home.  :-(

Let's just say that a stomach bug + a bulldog = a VERY long weekend alone. 
Chet and his crew of princesses!

 Cousin Isaac and Camille. Looks like they are planning something!

Cousin Keeley and Camille.  I have a feeling these 2 will be trouble too as the "baby" cousins.

The Lamis crew

The kid's room- FUN!

Bella and Brennan- these 2 seem to always be together!


 Most of the Lamis cousins- minus 2. What a cute group! 

Thank you to Nanny and Papa Lamis for a great weekend!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Don't judge my homemade cake! It tasted great but didn't look great. I love Hobby Lobby and every time I shop there, I think "I can make that!" and obviously, I cannot decorate a cake that matches the example on the box. :)

Julia had her first slumber party birthday party last weekend. She was SO excited for her friends to come over and sleep in her new room. They made their own pizzas, decorated pillow cases and had a dance party- even included some Michael Jackson and Cyndi Lauper (wait, is this 1985??). After watching a movie and settling into the room, these crazy girls stayed up talking until 2AM!! For the sake of all family members the next morning, I finally had to go in and settle them down.

Dancing to the "Thriller" video!

10 year old girls crack me up- I listened to their conversation (yes, I spied for a little!) for a few minutes and they try to be grown up with their conversations (boys, body changes, etc) but the conversation doesn't really go anywhere since they are just 10 after all. I had a slumber party every single year for my summer birthday so watching Julia enjoy her first one brought back fond memories, put a smile on my face and made me appreciate my mom even more!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Catch up

I am so behind on blogging- I am pretty sure I still have Mother's Day pictures to post! But, I am determined to catch up so I don't stop all together. 

 We have had so much fun this summer already and it's hard to stop and blog about it all. I will start my catch up with Camille- our newest dancing queen.

Just like her sisters, Camille loves to dance. We found a great, low key studio in town that is perfect for her. She joined a combo ballet, tap and tumbling class each week. She now thinks she is a pro as she says "plie" all day long as she executes various ballet poses. (She is rarely actually doing anything close to a plie but it's still cute!!)

 For never being in a class by herself, she listened really well and focused on the teacher the entire class.
 On a side note, another bonus to having all girls is our "Dance and Gymnastics" bin FULL of the girls' old dance and gym wear. All I had to do was pull out that bin and I found ballet shoes, tap shoes and lots of leotards in Camille's size!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

10 years

Our baby, Julia, is 10 today! 

I can remember every detail of the last 10 years and it is so hard to believe that she has been in our lives for 10 years already! I have loved and adored every minute (even the challenging times). Amidst the planning for her new room and upcoming slumber party, it was easy to lose focus about the real meaning of this milestone. I get so caught up in the details, I forget to step back and be amazed and humbled by her. Julia is so thoughtful, responsible and compassionate. I am always proud to say that I am her mom!

One of my favorite songs is Natalie Merchant's "Wonder". I listed to it a lot when Julia was little and it reminded me of her (or what I wanted for her). 

O, I believe
Fate smiled and destiny
Laughed as she came to my cradle
Know this child will be able
Laughed as my body she lifted
Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience and with faith
She'll make her way 

Happy birthday sweet Julia- we love you so! 
We cannot wait to watch you continue to 
"make your way."

Monday, June 11, 2012

Her own space

 As Julia prepares to enter the double digits later this week (my baby is 10!), we decided that she needed her own space and her own room (she has been sharing with Bella for the last 2 yrs). I have spent the last 3 months pinning ideas, shopping for little decor items and dreaming of her reaction to the room. She had no idea that we were going to surprise her this past weekend during her family birthday party (will blog about that next). My parents took all 3 girls to their house for the weekend while Chet and I busily worked on a room makeover! We painted the room, bought some new (and one Craigslist refinishing job) furniture, and new bedding to decorate a room perfect for our big girl. I was counting the minutes until she got home and to unveil her surprise. We sent her on a scavenger hunt that ended up taking her to "Camille's room"- when she opened the door, she stopped, turned around and hugged me, then Chet for a long time. I could tell that she was tearing up. She then walked around her room soaking up every detail. She loved it all and spent the rest of the day carefully putting her stuff in the right spots and keeping all the kids kids off the bed. She  even told my mom not to put her feet on the bed (she wasn't going to anyway but my mom thought that was funny)! 
She woke up the next day and said she thought she was dreaming. She had already made her bed by 7am! She has been so grateful and has definitely been acting more mature (for a while now)- I am definitely enjoying our new relationship! 
Happy birthday week Julia!! We love you!

We are still working on a few details of the room- now she can help fill the space above her bed.