Thursday, April 3, 2008

Creature of comfort

Do any of your children have quirky (or OCD type) habits? Julia is the ultimate creature of comfort- especially with her nighttime rituals. She is a fairly easy child- she just knows what makes her feel secure and ALWAYS has to do it that way. Every night, she says the same thing to us AND in the same order. Chet says its a little OCD (which it might be which is fine) but it works for her and that is all that matters. For the record, she shows no other signs of OCD so no worries! :)

She has always been a great sleeper. She goes to sleep early (7:30pm) and on her own. Her one stipulation is that Harley (our 9 yr old Boston Terrier) sleep with her and that her door is open. This poses a problem since Harley could escape her room. Julia devised a "force field" as we like to call it. Look closely at the picture- you can see the "prisoner's" little black nose and white eyes. She really loves sleeping with Julia and can't wait until bedtime every night. I am sure she would prefer a choice though! :)

So fess up, what quirky habits or slight OCD do your kids have?


Suzanne said...

I think it's so sweet that Julia sleeps with Harley. A nice warm body! Elise has to sleep with her 3 blankets and she knows if one is missing. Braden sucks his thumb and plays with Calle's ear while he eats fig newtons!!

Courtney said...

I love it! My kiddos each have their own unique "quirks" if you will! Gavin (3) cannot sleep without his special teddy bear he calls "ba-ba." He has 3 of these, each one a little different, but the one he loves he calls his "new one ba-ba" and he can only sleep with that one. Unfortunately he has to have it with him often throughout the day and so by bedtime, sometimes the ba-ba goes MIA and we have to search and search until we find him so that Gav can sleep. Crazy kids!

Jen Shumway said...

Cute blog. great you join in the fun. I'll keep checking in.

jenny said...

Sadly, I have no room to talk since I am the queen of OCD habits. It's scary!

I fear I would take up an entire blog with my children and their quirks. I think the barricade is so funny.

The Gerard Family said...

Hi Danielle,
Got to your blog through Joe and Angies. I am glad she finally did one. Your daughters are beautiful and I totally understand the OCD thing since I am!!! Keep in touch!!