Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pomp and Circumstance

Today was Julia's graduation day from Kindergarten. It was short and sweet- a short recital of songs, handing out of diplomas, then we went out for pizza. She was so excited to perform and wear her favorite dress.

Her teacher, Miss Nicholas, was once known to us as just Emily. She was our babysitter 2 years ago. We knew she taught at our local school but never assumed she would be Julia's teacher. Julia loved loved the fact that she had an "in" with the teacher and pointed it out to anyone who would listen. It was a struggle for Julia not to call her Emily but she got over that within a few weeks. We were lucky to have such a great teacher our first year of school.

Julia was also lucky to find such a great friend the very first day of school. Ashlynn and Julia have been inseparable all year. Her mom and I have also grown close- Ashlynn has a younger sister who is only a month older than Bella so its a great match for all of us.

Only 2 more days of school! I can't wait for summer! I will enjoy every minute before I have to let Julia go to school all day.


The Gerard Family said...

How precious!! You have such beautiful daughters, you are very blessed. Congrats to her and have a great summer!!

jenny said...

Your girls have the most gorgeous smiles and skin (just like their momma)

That is a crazy coincidence about her teacher. Glad it worked out. I still can't get my kids to call friends moms Ms. so and so. They always say their first name.

Courtney said...

Kindergarten graduation is definitely one of those "rites of passage" and an amazing step - what fun!

That is crazy about her teacher...certainly must have made kindergarten all that easier!