I had my first OB appointment today and due to a few factors, I am scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow morning to determine if it's twins! YIKES!! He/she/they were conceived without help and there is little family history of twins so I am thrown off to say the least. I have had inklings that something was up from the time of my positive pregnancy test yet I thought I was just bonkers. My intuition is hardly right! :)
Personally, I would choose to just have just one (even though it doesn't matter what we think at this point). I love everything about the baby stage and this is our last and I was ready to enjoy it to the fullest. With Julia (our first), I experienced some postpartum issues. It turned out to be a year of learning who I was as a mom. When Bella came along, I knew how I wanted to parent and truly enjoyed her. Yet, I was also raising a 2 1/2 yr old so it was a busy year. This time, I know exactly what I am doing and my kids are old enough that I will be able to enjoy our last little bundle of joy to the fullest. I am excited to have a baby again! I am excited to nurse again, wear the baby in the sling, sleep with the baby, etc. With twins, it seems like things like feeding and sleeping become true WORK!
That being said, I would love to have twin toddlers running around and for this baby to have a playmate like Julia and Bella have become. It would make our family quite complete and we would be done! After writing this out, I realized that if I can survive the first year, then twins would be a true blessing and a lot of fun in our house. Thanks for listening to my online journal entry! It helps putting thoughts into words- even if its online for the world to see. I hesitated to even post this (seems so personal) but I use my blog as my own journal these days.
By the way, I hope I didn't offend any mothers of twins. I truly applaud any mother of multiples.
I would love for you to become a party of 6. I completely understand your fears and hesitations, but I would be beyond excited to have two more nieces or nephews to love on! Cal me ASAP tomorow morning after your doctor appointment. Just think of all the cousins that our kids will have to grow up with. So much fun. Maybe we will have another one so we can be like you guys!! Good luck and give my baby nephews or nieces a belly pat.
Oh ... who could possibly get mad while reading this? You're so sweet! I hope all goes well tomorrow and I will be waiting to hear the news. Love ya!
God has a plan for all of us and his plan for you is maybe to have twins!! You will be great and love your so sweet and positive attitude!! Keep us updated and are thinking about you and praying for you!! CONGRATS again
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