After the cookie decorating, we took Angie and Joe up on their offer to watch the kids overnight as our anniversary gift. Maybe they weren't expecting us to call in their offer so soon but we jumped on it! :) We went to dinner and finished all our shopping for the kids. Thanks guys! We loved our night out.
The girls had so much fun spending the night- Julia fell asleep first (like always) and the wonder twins (Bella and Brennan) stayed up WAY too late talking. The next morning, they each blamed each other when asked who was talking. We attempted to go to lunch together the next morning when I picked up the girls. Let's just say that lack of sleep and lots of sugar don't mix! Julia burst into tears and had a mini-fit when the server told us they don't carry chocolate milk and that was basically how the rest of our day went. Yikes! I guess it's all part of the fun!
Can't say we didn't try :) I'm sure this was just because it was their first sleep over, maybe next time they'll be better!!
The cookie tradition sounds awesome. What a great idea. Wish we lived closer so we could do something like that too. Save some of those cookies for next week!
Too funny about Julia and the chocolate milk. The server probably wandered what she said. Hopefully your girls have rested well by now.
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