My brother Kyle and my parents came to visit this weekend. He is technically my step-brother (for all those confused) but after 25+ years of being his sister, there is no need for the "step" part anymore. He is stuck with us as little sisters :)
As usual, we had a BLAST! Chet and Kyle are like long lost (goofy) brothers and we all have such a good time together. All that was missing was Melanie (our wonderful sister-in-law) who couldn't make it out this time. And of course, the girls were all over Kyle from the second he woke up. They love wacky Uncle Kyle!
It was a fantastic weekend! Julia learned to ride her bike- finally! It is mostly (ok, all) our fault for not trying harder with her. My parents bought her a big girl bike and within 5 minutes she was riding by herself down the park sidewalk. Yay Julia! She loved having an audience watch her at this important "first" and even earned her new nickname of 'Juice'- given to her by Kyle.

And she's off!

Cheering squad

So proud of herself!

We all cheered Julia on at her first soccer game as part of "Lemon Drops" team (GYSA league). She did great but it was an afternoon game and SO hot. I actually thought that Julia was going to pass out after the game- she was so sick from running in the extreme heat (100 degrees) but still played most of the game without wanting to sit out. She loved hearing cheers for "Juice!" from the sideline.
We finished the great weekend with a trip to my favorite restaurant- the Brazilian Bull in Ahwatukee. Yummy!! Every weekend should be filled with family, food and fun!!
My little sweetheart- she loves just to hang out and be part of the action!

And to be held by Bobo!

Can't forget about our little Miss Bella! This is one of many photos that Chet took of her by request (Bella's request).

These next photos are to demonstrate the antics that kept us in stitches!
In our kids' eyes, Chet and I definitely fell a notch or two.
*Sorry Kyle- but Suzanne asked me to blog about this!