This is the family dog, daddy and her 2 sisters (grown up). This cracks me up! Daddy has aged a little bit, Camille is the smiley one and Julia (the last one) looks like an angry Avril Lavigne!
Now, for my puppet. You know what they say- kids this age are pretty honest so I guess I can live with her portrayal of me. ;)
I have one hot sister! Obviously Bella thinks rather highly of you and Camille. As for Chet, poor guy.
I thought they were very cute.
It was funny that the "grandpa" was younger looking then "daddy"
I love it!! So interesting to see through their eyes....sorry Chet :) Of course she knows her mommy is as beautiful as a supermodel!!
LOL love it!!! To the honesty and so serious!!! Love what she picked for her daddy!!! She picked a pretty mommy!!
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