Somehow Julia (our Julia) is destined to be the next Julia Child.
I say somehow because I don't know where she gets her love of cooking from. I am a decent cook- only because I make the same recipes over and over. I am not one to pour over cookbooks and wow my family with the latest creation. (Except for the pumpkin creme brulee that is on the menu for tomorrow- that is something I plan on wowing them with. Or at least myself!)
Julia loves to help me cook and loves looking at recipes even more. Admittedly, I don't cook with her as often as I could. I really, really need to work on that.
As a true testament of this new found passion, this is what Julia came home with after library day at school:

No joke- out of all the cool books in the school library, this child checked out the Betty Crocker cookbook!!! I am sure the librarian had a good laugh with this one. She spent a good 1/2 hr looking through all the recipe titles and reading them out loud to me while I made dinner tonight.
I didn't have the heart to tell her that we have the exact same cookbook in my cookbook collection at home. I didn't want to burst her bubble nor did I want her to wonder why she hasn't seen much of my copy! :)
I say somehow because I don't know where she gets her love of cooking from. I am a decent cook- only because I make the same recipes over and over. I am not one to pour over cookbooks and wow my family with the latest creation. (Except for the pumpkin creme brulee that is on the menu for tomorrow- that is something I plan on wowing them with. Or at least myself!)
Julia loves to help me cook and loves looking at recipes even more. Admittedly, I don't cook with her as often as I could. I really, really need to work on that.
As a true testament of this new found passion, this is what Julia came home with after library day at school:
No joke- out of all the cool books in the school library, this child checked out the Betty Crocker cookbook!!! I am sure the librarian had a good laugh with this one. She spent a good 1/2 hr looking through all the recipe titles and reading them out loud to me while I made dinner tonight.
I didn't have the heart to tell her that we have the exact same cookbook in my cookbook collection at home. I didn't want to burst her bubble nor did I want her to wonder why she hasn't seen much of my copy! :)
We really should let Julia "cook" when she comes over next time. Don't you worry, we'll cook with her. I still remember Ron cooking with her when we lived in Gold Canyon. She loved helping him!
That is too funny! Perhaps she can cook for all of us in December! It would be nice to have a grand cook in our family~
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