Bella has been in gymnastics since the fall and seems to really like it. She is pretty small and VERY flexible- just right for a little gymnast. It also allows her to be active while still in a structured activity. About a month ago, they asked us if Bella could try out for their Superstars class which is a precursor to their invitational, competitive team. I declined because I figured she is too young to really know what she wants and I didn't want her burning out. They called again and restructured the class a little (less $ and time per week) so we signed her up. It is an intense class (especially since there is only one other child in the class). So far, she loves it and we can really see an improvement already.
She looks SO little in that huge gym with all the bigger kids. Since they are in the gym at the same time as all the older ones, I can see how intense true gymnastics training can get and I am not sure I want her to go that route. We still have plenty of time and it will be her decision- who knows, next year she could be into karate or soccer?
Sorry for the poor quality of pictures- the parent area is on the 2nd floor.
*Bella is on the bottom left.

Bella and her coach- she is learning some sort of handstand?

*I thought this was a little crazy but I guess it's all part of the training. Right after this, the coach had them do wall sits!!
Oh,, I am soooo jealous of your gym. If I took pictures of Braden/Elise's gym, you would spit out your coke laughing. Yeah for Bella! Those crazy wall splits look painful, but I know that ms. flexible is completely enjoying it. Can I live my gymnastic dreams through her?
That is pretty impressive. Where do you take her? We went to a birthday party at a gym that looked a bit like that. The kids had a blast. I think my son would do really well. But I've heard it can be really spendy. Hope you are feeling well.s
Miss Bella is such a good little gymnast!!! Those splits are impressive. Seriously, I would plan on spending A LOT of time and moula at the gym in the next decade or so.
Holy cow i can't believe your due date has approached already! You look fabulous and only 24lbs?? That is WAY better than my pregnancies.
I too am curious where you guys take gymnastics? All the ones around me are not so good. And I am not willing to drive to Mesa for the one some of my friends go too.
I hope your last few days are good. The countdown is on! My babies birthday is on the 17th. March is a great month!
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