Monday, April 27, 2009

Camille- 6 weeks old!

Camille is 6 weeks old already! She is doing really good and is a sweet baby! Julia and Bella continue to be wonderful big sisters. They love to help me with her- Julia's favorite job is to hold her when I need a baby free minute and Bella likes to get a washcloth for all the times when I get spit up on.

Camille is a great sleeper and LOVES her swing! She has been pulling 7 hr stretches in it at night! I feel so guilty letting her sleep there but she seems to prefer it and I can't pass up 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep! I am sure it will change soon- she once loved her swaddle blanket and that love has passed as well.

Camille is a chunky little one- 12.5 lbs now, 98th percentile for weight and 80th for height.

I am loving every minute with her- I forgot how wonderful, raw, and overwhelming your love can be for a new baby.

*Her famous pirate smile!

*She may be our only brown eyed girl!


eloiza said...

Thanks for the pictures. She looks so sweet and we can't wait to see and hold her again!

Suzanne said...

She is sooooo very cute! Elise is going to be excited that she might have brown chocolate eyes.

Nicole H. said...

Oh my goodness I could just eat her up. Super adorable. You guys make the prettiest babies.

Angie Giannotti said...

Can't believe she's already 6 wks!! She is gorgeous just like Julia and Bella...can't wait to discover her own unique little personality!!