I really, really wanted a boy (not instead of another girl but just wanted the experience of having a son) but I have to say that i love having 3 girls! I can't wait to watch them grow up together. Hopefully, they will be as close as my sister and I are (minus the petty fights we used to have). :)
All 3 girls are doing great!
We love having Julia home all day. Julia loves spending her day playing games with Bella, learning to swim better and working in her math workbook. Yes, a math workbook. She LOVES math and is really good at it. My mom bought her a 3rd/4th grade workbook a few days ago and Julia is already 1/2 way done! It's funny- I loved math as a child and have memories of my mom taking me to lunch at PizzaHut (during the summer) and doing multiplication problems at the table. I wasn't a nerd like it sounds- I promise! I just liked school. Chet, on the other hand, thinks it's odd that any child would choose to do math problems in the summer! :)
Bella loves to play school with Julia and also loves her swim lessons. She is our free spirit and keeps us in stitches. She is dying to grow older and be able to hold Camille like Julia does. She likes to help when she can and misses Camille when she is asleep.
As for Camille, she is busy growing (and growing and growing). She is over 15 lbs at 2 months! She is off the charts for both height and weight. We joke that she will pass up Julia by Junior High. Chubby babies are happy babies and Camille is VERY happy! :) She loves her sisters and especially her daddy. If Chet had the ability to feed her, I think I would be nonexistent in her eyes.
What a beautiful picture of the 3 girls! Also, I love Julia's new hair cut. She looks adorable and more mature.
That part is from Elise!! I think I have yelled, "stop" 10 million times now, but I'm going to tune them out and keep typing!
Julia looks so mature and refined. Are you sure you don't want to send her to our house this summer? We sure could use another girl at our house and I would have so much fun shopping with her.
Bella--her hair has gotten really blond. I love the fact that she still poses for all of her pictures! She cracks me up every single time!
Camille-I think she still looks like Ricardo--but with a fro! I can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks and just to squeeze those little cheeks (both ends).
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