Friday, April 23, 2010

And then there were 2

I feel like our house is so quiet and empty even though she has only been gone for half a day. Bella left this morning (with my mom) for a week long trip to Sun Valley, Idaho to spend time with my sister and her family. Bella was so excited for the plane trip and to spend so much time with her cousins. My sister and Pat have a HUGE backyard nestled up against the beautiful hills of Sun Valley. Bella asked if they lived on a farm!

I have already called a few times checking up on her but I know she is having such a good time! My sister said that the kids did not leave the backyard all day- despite an invitation to visit the ice cream store.

We miss her dearly already! But, I got the sense that the feeling wasn't mutual when she cut our phone call short to "go look for more worms".

Have a wonderful time Bella! We miss you and can't wait to hear all about it! Thanks Mom and Buchanan's!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Camille knows a few signs like "nurse", "dog" and "bath" but I have never seen her sign "all done" when eating. I am beginning to think that she knows the sign but has not yet experienced the sensation of being full! :) This kid eats and eats! She has only turned down one food and that was pureed green beans. Other than that, she will inhale avocados, eggs, bananas, cheese, sweet potatoes, etc. You cannot cut food fast enough for our little human hoover.

Today, I cut up some avocado for her and put it on a plate. I turned around to find this:

I guess that's one way to eat your lunch! No wonder why she knows the sign for "bath" so well.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Big steps!

Camille is now 13 months old and the talk among Julia and Bella is whether Camille would walk before they did. (They love hearing stories of when they were babies including how they were late walkers). Being the little sister is hard so I think she was determined to do something to impress everyone around here. Camille started walking today! She took 2 steps and then decided to just keep walking. The look on her face was priceless! We can't wait for Daddy to get home to show off Camille's new feat!

For what it's worth- Camille beat Bella's walking date by 2 weeks and Julia's by 2.5 months. Julia was obviously very fine with getting around on her hands and knees. :)