Camille knows a few signs like "nurse", "dog" and "bath" but I have never seen her sign "all done" when eating. I am beginning to think that she knows the sign but has not yet experienced the sensation of being full! :) This kid eats and eats! She has only turned down one food and that was pureed green beans. Other than that, she will inhale avocados, eggs, bananas, cheese, sweet potatoes, etc. You cannot cut food fast enough for our little human hoover.
Today, I cut up some avocado for her and put it on a plate. I turned around to find this:

I guess that's one way to eat your lunch! No wonder why she knows the sign for "bath" so well.
Love those chubby cheeks. What a cutie!
That is awesome! I don't think Will has ever liked anything as much as Camille likes avocado ;)
Camille really enjoys eating! Have you ever made her some soup with meat, potatoes, carrots, rice, etc?
She would love that and could eat it for several days.
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