Julia, Bella and I went to the Jonas Brother's/Demi Lovato concert! The tickets were insanely cheap ($20 for all 3) and there was no school the next day, so why not??
They loved singing to all their favorite songs (I may have joined them a few times) and actually "seeing" one of their favorite singers (Demi Lovato).
These little rockers stood for the first 2 hours
but quickly faded by 9:30pm. Even amid screaming fans and loud music, Bella was the first to crash. Julia quickly followed and soon I had 2 sleeping girls on my lap. After realizing that I was the lone rocker and didn't need to stay any longer, these "rookies" (as Chet called them) left the concert a little early. :)
The girls are growing up so fast! They look very cute in the pictures.
So so so fun!! What a great night out for you and your two big girls. I still can't believe that they actually fell asleep during the concert. Hmmm.. I will have to tease them about that as they get older.
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