Picture perfect...this is what I thought when looking through all our pictures!
We drove to Idaho (18 hours in 1 day!) to spend Thanksgiving with the Buchanan's (Suzanne and Pat's family) and my mom. I hate living so far from my sister and her family so trips like this are so cherished! We never have any concrete plans for our visit but everything we do seems to be so perfect and fun! I know that sounds corny but it's true. We all love being together so much and we have fun no matter what we do.The Buchanan's live just outside Sun Valley, ID and it's gorgeous! I loved walking around this beautiful resort town.
It was a unseasonably cold week there but it made it even more magical for us. The kids loved playing in the snow together!
Snow bunny!
(to the tune of Barney's "I love you,you love me" song)
I hate snow
Snow hates me
We are not a family
She was SO happy to see grass as we crossed the Arizona border!
Chet and Pat enjoying a beer

On the last night of our visit, my mom offered to stay with all 6 kids to let the the parents go out. I can't remember the last time the 4 of us got to go out together without our kids. It was so fun to be real adults and just talk!
The kids all ready for their movie night with Bobo!
My beautiful sister and me!
Out on the town~ Pat, Suzanne, Chet and me
After this trip, I decided that I would love to live in a colder area and absolutely loved their neighborhood. Chet shot the picture of the Buchanan's closet neighbor. I love this shot and the house! Suzanne and Pat's house is equally beautiful, we just didn't get any good shots of it. If I had one of those Dream boards where you pin up picture of things /goals you want in life, I might just add this photo..
The kids all ready for their movie night with Bobo!

Can't you guys come back??? Please! We can all live together and have so much fun. Thanks again and again for making the long drive to visit with us. We just loved having all of you here and we all really miss you guys. It was the perfect Thanksgiving and we have to do it again! Big hugs and kisses to your girls (and to Chet too). Better go help Elise walk on the ceiling now!
Yes, it was a magical little vacation and a great Thanksgiving. Wish we all lived closer! We have to do this again!
Love the pictures and stories, especially Bella's song...it made me laugh out loud!!!! I'm surprised though, I would've thought Bella would love the snow and Julia would hate it :)
Danuka, amei as fotos!
They tell us about a magical moment, family, cousins, love, laughing,...
Like "Bobo" said: Wish we ALL lived closer!
Love you all!
Beijos and see you soon!
Come to my blog and visit me!
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