Yesterday was the first competition and I'm not sure who was more nervous- me or Julia. Her team did so well and won! Julia answered 1 right (and knew many of them) for her team. She was so hesitant to buzz in first, for fear that she was wrong. You could see her little hand on the buzzer, just wanting to buzz in! We are going to work on her confidence for next time. We are so proud of you Julia!
Julia's good friend and teammmate, Imani.

Julia's good friend and teammmate, Imani.

Jackie (Chet's mom) and the family were all there to be Julia's personal cheering squad!
*Notice Julia's collection of good luck necklaces. :)

Way to go Julia! We knew that you would do great. Can't wait to go to the next competition!
Yeah Julia Gulia!! We are so proud of our niece/cousin. YOU CAN DO IT!!! William---"How are you feeling?"
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