Thursday, March 7, 2013

Why not?

 Now that we are staying in our home a little longer, we decided to take the plunge into backyard chickens! Everyone asks "why??" when hearing of our little plan and we answer "why not?"! We all love animals and think backyard chicks will make a good addition to our family.

*these are already 4 weeks old- more hearty than the cute little day old ones and closer to being able to move outside. They will start laying eggs by early Fall- one a day per chicken!

We would love a backyard ecological system, so in addition to the eggs, these chicks will help as fertilizer, a supplement to our compost and natural bug control. They currently live in the garage under the heat lamp but will move into this outdoor coop within a few weeks. (we will add a run to the coop soon)

1 comment:

eloiza said...

The chicks are really cute. Enjoy them and can't wait to eat a fresh egg in the fall.