Only 10 more days until my due date! The c-section is scheduled for March 13th (after my due date to give her time to fully cook). However, I would love to go into labor on my own and have that element of surprise for once. If I do go into labor, I still have to have a c-section since its #3. I am feeling wonderful- I have lots of energy (for this stage of the pregnancy) and have not gotten so big as before. I have only gained 24 lbs so far even though I look much, much bigger since it's all is in my tummy. (Let's be real though- I started off with a few extra pounds anyway.) My tummy sticks so far straight out that a friend's husband even asked me how I am able to stand without falling over!
We still have not chosen a name and probably won't until we see the little princess. Our choices right now are Claire and Olivia.
I am probably most excited about this birth- over the other 2. I had medication with Julia that made me check out mentally so I don't have any real fond memories of her birth. Sad, but true. I was a zombie that entire day and still regret it. I didn't know how great Bella's birth would be since I missed out on the first one. So, this time, I already know how absolutely wonderful it is to see your child for the 1st time and am so excited about it. Seems like a no-brainer for most people, right?
Soon, I will posting everyday with new baby pictures!
*This is a horrid picture and doesn't show the belly in all it's glory. BUT, all the side shots are worse and I couldn't bear to put them up.
You look fantastic for bring 9 months pregnant. Oh, you have to post a side shot. Those are the best and since you are all belly, it's even more fun! in two months, you look back and laugh at your big belly. I can't wait to hold my nameless niece soon! Enjoy these next couple of weeks. I'm so happy that you feel great and are doing great.
Yay! She will be here soon.
Names ...? Not a big deal ... as long as you're both doing well.
Can't wait to see you and meet her!
You look great and tell her to please hurry up! Can't wait to see her little face, kiss her all over and love her, which I already do.
You look great silly!!! I'm so excited for you. I've never heard of them letting a baby soak till after the due date. Usually everyone I know goes a week early. Except for me that goes a month or more early ;) I can't wait to hear how things go. I've been having so much fun with babies lately. So many pregnant women around. I've had a few newborn shoots and am loving them. Usually my favorite to do!!! Shhhh don't tell anyone ;)
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