I sit here on my due date (with no signs of labor- at all!) thinking ahead to summer. Yes, I am crazy but I love summers. I hate the heat but love all the fun kid stuff we get to do. Plus, I will get to spend more time with Julia. She and I are really feeling the effects of me working 3 nights and Saturdays. I feel like I never get to see her. That will soon change with my maternity leave and summer months ahead. Yeah!
I know I will be a little home bound for the next few weeks so here are all the fun things I look forward to come June.
Harkins Summer Movies!
This will be our 3rd year and I love it. We already bought our tickets for this summer! I love seeing all of our friends at the theater. Summer movies are such a good deal- $7 for all 10 movies!
Flip flops!
I admittedly wear my black Reef flip flops all year. I like when warmer weather starts and I can buy flip flops for the kids again- so inexpensive, cute and EASY to put on and get out the door. My girls have been sporting these cute blue ones for a few weeks now.
Now that both girls can swim on their own, I look forward to lots of swimming and more swim lessons (love Gilbert Parks and Rec!) and to watch them improve. Even though we have a pool, I love swimming at the awesome community pool of Power Ranch and Seville. Thankfully, I have friends in both neighborhoods and can "invite" myself at any time. :)
Laid back attitude
I can be a little type A at times- trying to stick to a schedule and checking off my mental checklist all day long. Luckily, summer time tends to bring out the relaxed side of me (much needed with a newborn who knows nothing of schedules).
Official Chauffeur
Summer time also brings the neat programs for the kids. I have always loved driving around to our different activities (probably because I only have 2 kids and a few activities for each). I am already looking into theater camps (Chandler has a neat Disney based one!) and Vacation Bible School. The best part is is that both girls will be able to participate together since Bella has reached that magical age of 4!
I know this post makes me sounds a little off and way too much into planning ahead. But I do it because I like looking forward to the little things. I promise, I am not that Type A that I start planning ahead in March!
1 comment:
I was just thinking of you and wondering how things were going. So no baby? Darn. I need to call you about pictures. If you want newborn pics we need to do them within a few days of birth to get the best kind. Of course if we don't they will still be cute, but the sooner the better. I'll call you and we can talk. We had so much fun meeting up last week. We need to do that when Tegan is home so the girls can play. What are you doing tomorrow? As for Seville, you know you and your family are welcome with us any time you want.
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