Friday, October 16, 2009

Quarantine fun!

I have had the flu so the kids and I have been stuck in the house ALL week! As Julia said, "this is the worst October break ever"! Bella also had the touch of something so my dear sweet mom rescued Julia and took her to their home. Julia is having the time of her life at the grandparents while poor Bella and I are trying to be creative without leaving the house. There is only so much TV watching and coloring you can do.

Happy Halloween!

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eloiza said...

What a fun and cute post. Julia loved it and has watched it at least 4 times.

eloiza said...

I loved it mom.I did watch it 4 times.

eloiza said...

Julia posted the last comment.

Angie Giannotti said...

Too cute...the boys made me make one of us and keep watching both of them :)