Friday, September 24, 2010

Dbacks fever!

Man, we had one lucky night at the Dbacks game this week! The Lamis girls ruled the jumbo tron!

Bella's performing dance group performed at the pre-game show. Her group did really well and it was so neat to see all their hard work pay off! The little girls (Bella included) were so taken by the jumbo tron behind them that they spent most of the time forgetting their steps and craning their necks to catch a glimpe of themselves on screen. It was too funny- at least they are cute and little so everyone laughed it off.
Curlers in her hair and ready to dance!
Already noticing themselves on the screen- oh boy!

Let's just say that it is not part of their routine to have the entire bottom row craning to see the jumbo tron!
Gumby Bella in her splits (in middle) for the finale. At least she is looking straight!
Julia has been a little jealous of Bella's involvement on this team (understandably). So, when she was chosen to be one of the hotdogs that "run" the bases, she was beyond thrilled! Seriously, how did they know that Julia needed this little boost?! She was beaming the entire night!
*Julia is the hotdog on the left.

Way to go Julia!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Lone Rocker

Julia, Bella and I went to the Jonas Brother's/Demi Lovato concert! The tickets were insanely cheap ($20 for all 3) and there was no school the next day, so why not??

They loved singing to all their favorite songs (I may have joined them a few times) and actually "seeing" one of their favorite singers (Demi Lovato).

These little rockers stood for the first 2 hours
but quickly faded by 9:30pm. Even amid screaming fans and loud music, Bella was the first to crash. Julia quickly followed and soon I had 2 sleeping girls on my lap. After realizing that I was the lone rocker and didn't need to stay any longer, these "rookies" (as Chet called them) left the concert a little early. :)

*I love this picture of Bella fast asleep with her Jonas Brothers tattoo peaking out! Still so little but yet so big already!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Girls weekend!

10 years ago that might have meant a trip to Vegas with a bunch of girlfriends
but these days my "girls" are a little shorter!

Chet is out of town this weekend and I am happy to hang with these 3 fun peeps!
who keep themselves entertained all day with
dance parties (Camille even fights for her share of the "stage")
and pouring over all the Halloween Costume catalogs (thanks Nanny!).
I even have to ban these catalogs during meal time.

And I will try not to eat my fall decor!

Not blog worthy

Seriously, that is how I sum up our last few weeks. Nothing blog worthy. But, things are changing....

We are finally getting cooler weather at night and in the morning- looking forward to riding bikes and scooters after school again. We have had true cabin fever around here! Luckily we have these 3 cuties to keep us entertained!
This last week, we were finally able to go to the park and caught this amazing sunset (taken on Chet's phone)!
We also got a new niece in the family! Chet's sister had a beautiful baby girl (Keeley) last week. Soon, Camille and Keeley will be the little girls running around together- watch out!

The girls are still loving school (awesome teachers this year!)

Bella is LOVING Kindergarten. I am amazed at how much she has learned. She is starting to read and can write over 25 words (which she couldn't do at all just 4 weeks ago). She leaves the house every day with a ton of Silly Bandz and loves trading them with all her new friends.

Julia loves 3rd grade. She is a super serious student and takes everything very seriously. I even got a call from the school nurse one day- Julia was in her office sobbing (uncontrollably) because she forgot her homework folder at home. Her teacher said it was ok but that didn't help. Poor thing- she was so shaken up. Julia's 3rd grade class was paired with Bella's class and they are "Special Buddies"- a title that Julia is so proud of. They do fight, but they are such good friends!