Monday, October 29, 2012

Our week in pictures

Julia before her 'tween' Halloween dance
Julia and Ashlynn and their new BFF necklaces

Cousins' dinner! This was the only shot where camera hog Camille was not directly in front of the lens!

Since my mom could stay home with Camille, I surprised the girls with a Taco Bell lunch at school.
Bella loved sitting with me at lunch. Julia on the other hand thanked me for the lunch with a hug and kiss and skipped off to her friends' table. :-)
Both girls were recognized at their school assembly for their straight A's!
To finish our our fun week, we met up with Melody (my friend since 2nd grade) and her family for a BBQ. It is so fun to see our kids play together! Their kids are Julia's age- Ashley's twin brother quickly ran off to a friend's house in order to avoid playing with 4 girls! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Camping 2012

Camping is not my favorite activities- I'm more of a running water kind of gal. :-)  BUT, the girls and Chet love camping so I tag along for the memories. We recently went camping in Oak Creek Canyon with the Lamis' side and as usual had a blast.
If I have to camp, this is the ideal camp spot. What a way to wake up in the morning!
Brennan and Bella
The kids wanted nothing more than to explore....
"chop" wood, 
(Issac and Bella spent a lot of time carving this fallen tree!)

Cuties! Camille and Keeley waiting for s'mores!

 and sit by the fire!
Nanny with the 'baby" grandkids

And just to prove that I am not void of all outdoor skills, here I am contributing to the wood cutting for the fire!  
More camping fun....

My tiny tumbler

Bella is constantly in full gymnastics mode- she talks about it, is always tumbling and learning new skills. She LOVES her team and finally (I think) found her 'thing" for the next few years. Her passion and ability come naturally to her- I wish I could say they were inherited. 

 Bella is the one in her full splits, on the left. We joke that she may be missing some of her ligaments!

Can't wait to see watch her compete starting in January. Go Bella!!