Monday, August 6, 2012

Last week of summer

 During our last week of summer, the girls had a blast (thanks to grandparent's and antsy dads). :-)

They spent a few days at my parent's house in Prescott Valley where they swam, played outside and went to a play.

They also got to spend the night and Nanny and Papa's house with cousin Madison. 

Watching the Olympics on their gigantic TV
After swimming all day. When Camille crashes on the recliner, you know it's been a good day!

As Chet's mom likes to say, Chet has "ants in his pants" and doesn't like sitting at home. Instead of watching even more Olympics as we had that weekend, Chet wanted to go for a short drive. In the summer, there really isn't any close destination that is worth the drive so Chet suggested Tortilla Flats. Even as a native Arizonan, I still had to think twice about where Tortilla Flats (pop. 6) is?? It's mostly a touristy stop on the way to the lake but for us, it was fun to mingle with the tourists, eat ice cream and play in the creek.   


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Happy first day of school!!! I'm going to start taking fashion advice from my big 5th grade niece!