Monday, July 23, 2012

The world according to Piper

For a rescue kitten, Piper has certainly grown accustom to the love and attention she gets! Chet says she is spoiled but let's be honest- he does a lot of the spoiling (see below). :-)

Even our 14 year old Boston Terrier is obsessed with her. 

 Piper's preferred place to sleep! It's not comfortable having a furry scarf sleeping on your chest but I love it anyway!
Should I be worried that Chet mentioned that the premise of the movie "We bought a zoo" is his ideal life???

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

She is one happy (and lucky) animal shelter kitty. She is living the good life, as she should. I love that Harley and Piper are best friends....despite their big age difference. Perhaps she knows that one day, Piper will be as big her.