Friday, July 25, 2008

Party of 5 (for now)

We had the ultrasound this morning and he/she was clearly a singleton. I was a bit relieved but also a little letdown. Funny huh? I spent so much time thinking about the trials and joys of twins and probably was ready for it.
But, the good news is that we saw the heartbeat and the baby is measuring right on target! At 7 weeks, its always nice to have that reassurance so early.
Now, if only I could get through the next 5 weeks- I have already lost 5 lbs. This stinks! :)


Sarah said...

Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys. As it turns out we are 7 weeks pregnant too! How weird. When is your due date??

The Gerard Family said...

Congrats again!! Keep us updated!

jenny said...

I think the only time twins would be fun is the first time when you are clueless. Glad to hear there is only one heart beat and things are good. Sorry about your illness. I guess that is better than gaining a ton like me!