Monday, October 27, 2008

The must see movie of the month!

If you have kids between 5-12 yrs old that is! We love HSM 1 and 2- it's a feel good movie and we love all the singing and dancing. So, we have been anxiously awaiting HSM3! For any of you non- HSM fans, this 3rd movie came out in theaters for the first time- the other 2 were only released on the Disney Channel. Chet agreed to go with us after I reminded him that soon the girls wouldn't want us to tag along with them anywhere. I had to laugh at him since he dislikes these campy, girly movies and truly dislikes musicals of anykind. So, it was 90 minutes of torture for him (at 10am on a Sunday morning none the less)- even though I did catch him laughing or smiling a few times. Thanks Chet- you are a good dad!

Anyway, the girls and I liked it but I didn't LOVE it, nor will I rush out to buy the cd or dvd like I did for the first 2. It was cute though! Anyone else see it on opening weekend??


jenny said...

I thought it was so cheesy, but liked the music and dancing. I had to laugh at the quote Highschool friends are forever. So funny.

Andréa Viana said...

Oi Dani linda!!

Vai ter um comentário em português, né?? Great!!!!!!!

Adorei o seu blog e o blog da Su!! Adicionei vocês ao meu!! (

E aí, bem? conta uns caso?

Te amo muito e sinto muita saudade!!

Beijos em vocês 4!!!

The Gerard Family said...

Austyn loves them also. We are going to try this weekend, Haydyn has been sick for about 14 days so I am kinda stuck at home!! Does it have enough action like the first 2?? Thats the only thing thats going to keep his attention!!

Andréa Viana said...

Já disse que você é lindíssima????????????????????

Te amo tanto... e a saudade só aumenta mesmo!!

Did you know that I will be aunt again?!

Mil beijos e um abraço demorado e carinhoso!!

Jen Shumway said...

We are taking the family for Lila birthday. They can't wait.