Monday, August 10, 2009

Shiny, white shoes...

Julia starts 2nd grade today and was very excited. Her best friend Ashlynn is in her class this year and will be sitting right next to her (alphabetical order). I bet that won't last long! :)
I think we are all ready to get back to a regular schedule with school, after school classes and teams. We had a FUN summer but the girls have been fighting so much being together 24/7, the time apart will be good for them.

Bella starts preschool in September- 2 days a week. It's such a short time (2 hrs a day) but she loves it and it will give me some time with Camille!

She is showing me that she is going to 2nd grade!


eloiza said...

Good luck Julia!!! I can't wait to hear about your first day. I am sure you had lots of fun and made some new friends!

jenny said...

Her hair cut is so cute. Hope she had a great first day. Nothing better than new clothes and shoes!

Suzanne said...

Yeah for second grade! Julia you look so cute in your new outfit and shoes. I still remember the picture from your first day of Kindergarten! Hope you love this school year and your teacher!!