Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My new best friend

My Roomba has now been replaced by a new best friend- the swaddle blanket!! Camille LOVES this thing and will sleep for hours in it. I am enjoying her wonderful sleeping habits now since I know it can (and most likely will) change at anytime.
At night, I am starting to put her down in her crib at bedtime (7pm) in the swaddle blanket where she will sleep until about 11pm or so. After that, she is in our bed but she still only wakes up every 4 hrs or so and that's just to eat. Trust me- I am not bragging nor do I think it's a sign of of a great sleeper in the making- I know it's probably a fluke. In a month, my blog posts might be all about my lack of sleep!


Courtney said...

WHOO HOO! Congrats on your newest addition...what a chunky little monkey...Camille is gorgeous! So happy for you and so glad all is well! I love the sweet story of her name...we had a similar experience with naming my Isabella. I had pretty much given up hope of having my Bella because Steve didn't just not like the name...he hated it! But when he saw her and spent time with her right after she was born, he handed her to me to hold for the first time and called her Isabella...sometimes we do get what we want after all :)! Problem we are having another baby girl and I have no idea what to name her...hopefully we will figure it out when we meet her!

Suzanne said...

I'm glad that she loves her little blanket. Reminds her of being all cozy in the womb or in your arms. YEah for good sleepers! Finally a good sleeper in the family!

Nicole H. said...

I've heard they are great. But maybe you do have a good sleeper. She was a little bigger when she was born. I've heard big babies sleep better. Cross your fingers and hope. That would be so nice. She sure is cute.

Me said...

She is so cute. I love all that hair! I am not reading your blog any more because it is going to make me want another newborn. They are so perfect.