Friday, September 11, 2009

Muffins for Moms

This morning was the annual Muffins for Moms morning at Julia's school. Dads serve muffins and juice for the moms and kids before school. Don't worry- the moms reciprocate and serve the dads on "Donuts for Dads" in the spring.

As always, per Julia's request, Chet signed up as one of the servers and had to be there by 6:45am. Most dads leave for work earlier than 8am so Chet is one of the few dads who help every year. Getting up at 6:30am is very early for Chet! Actually 6:30am is early, but he got up at 5:30 by accident. Bella likes to play with his alarm clock and had set the time an hour ahead. So, when I set the alarm for him last night, 6:30 am was actually 5:30am! Neither of us realized this until Chet came back to bed grumbling just a little bit and commented on the correct time. In my groggy state, I did think it was a *little* dark for 6:30am but didn't say anything. Oops!

I look forward to these fun school activities and to see the other moms. Chet drops off Julia in the mornings so I really don't get to see the other parents much. I have to wonder why the dads got Starbucks coffee but no such love for the weary moms. What's up with that?? This perkiness isn't all natural anymore! I need to bring that up at the next PTA meeting. :)

Thanks sweetheart! I will see you in line for Donuts for Dads!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

That is a neat school idea. Thank goodness for Chet, the weekend is almost here!